Edward O'Neal Mugshot

A violent convicted murderer in Houston was released from jail. Five months later, he murdered again.

According to the Houston Chronicle, homicides have increased 44% this year in the metropolitan city in Texas. Criminals like Edward O’Neal contribute to that number. O’Neal was released from jail earlier this year. He is now being charged with murder in Harris County for allegedly shooting and killing 39-year-old Derrick Mike at an apartment complex on November 28.

According to KTRK-TV, O’Neal confessed to the stabbing and killing of his friend Ryan Roberts nearly five years ago. Despite having a confession, prosecutors were unable to get a conviction because O’Neal’s lawyers continued to use O’Neal’s mental health as an excuse for the murder.

In June 2020, Felony Mental Health Court Judge Mark Kent Ellis lowered his original $50,000 bond to $25,000. O’Neal met that bond, releasing himself from jail.

According to court records, O’Neal’s own mother told investigators that was scared of his release. Ryan Roberts’ mother also warned against O’Neal’s release. “I told the DA he should not get out. He killed my son, he’ll be killing again,” said Christina Roberts.

This is not the first situation in which a violent criminal was released from jail in Harris County. Last year, a Harris County judge offered an accused cop killer a relatively low bail, despite accounts of him being released on crimes and bragging about it. In February, that man, Gerald Washington, was accused of killing a man in Houston just hours after being released for another murder.

In August, the Texan reported that 57 victims have been murdered in Harris County over the past two years by defendants who had been released after meeting low bonds.

There has been a 65% rise in domestic violence calls to a hotline at the Houston Area Women’s Center since September 2019.

And, according to police, the number of strangulation incidents in Houston has nearly doubled this year.

33 thoughts on “Murderer Released from Jail, Arrested 5 Months Later for Killing Again”
    1. When and Until Judges, Prosecutors and Liberal politicians are held accountable….ACCOUNTABLE for their action……the carnage on our streets will continue..IN Chicago…EVERY WEEKEND 40-50 people are shot..EVERY WEEKEND..this year over 900 people have been shot and murdered in Chicago….anybody in Illinois held accountable for the revolving door that pretends to be JUSTICE????.Police are handicapped, because criminals are released IMEDIATELY without bail, there are 100,000 gang bangers in the City..13,000 Cops…guess who wins?..and does the Mayor care?..as long as she’s safe…she blames everything on Trump..but she’s worn out that excuse…think for 2 seconds she’ll blame Biden..he’s a Democrat so he’s immune from criticism…..as is she…………and THAT is the problem, in Chicago, in Minneapolis, in Portland, In Atlanta, in Seattle……you find a City run by Democrats and you will risk you life living or going there.

      1. The Bible says that as it was in the days of Noah prior to the flood it will be in the end of days prior to the rapture of the Church. Maybe this is what Noah was contending with while he was building the ark. The one world ruler will have an easy transition to power with these socialist democratic criminals in charge.

      2. America as we knew it will cease to exist officially, if the Democrats take over the country. There intent is hell bent on turning America into a Socialist country. In case you don’t know your history from other Socialist countries, once it is in place, you will never be able to reverse it. They will do whatever it takes to silence you, should you try to speak out! “THINK PEOPLE”, IF THE ELECTION WAS LEGIT, WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS DOING EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO PREVENT PROVING IT WASN’T! If it was legit, investigating Fraud and Tampered Voting Machines wouldn’t bother them in the slightest. If both parties are PROVING legitimacy, there would be a cooperative agreement to fully investigate ANY potential wrongdoing and elect the right candidate!

        1. I’m looking forward to the day this type of criminal unowingly kills a judge or criminal defense attorney or an off duty cop. That’ll mean something.

      3. People that make these decisions are never touched by violent criminals. Most of them live in gated communities, send their children to private schools, have bodyguards, etc….
        Not that I want this to happen, but maybe when one of their loved ones is effected by these politicians and judges releasing these terrible people, they might think about it a bit more.Actions have consequences.

      4. This is a well-written explanation of just how badly judges mollify criminals’ records. “Promise you won’t do that again” seems to be the rally of many judges. Our justice system is absolutely ridiculous, It makes no sense – police make the arrest, the judge grants bail and the accused is free to do whatever moves him. Lawyers are no better. We had a time share in Mexico for many years. The police are taught you’re guilty until you prove your innocence. Don’t misunderstand me, the police in Mexico are just as corrupt as the criminals they arrest – but it does keep some in tow.

      5. I agree…HOWREVER, the people VOTE for these judges…and they WILL and DO get what they vote for…UNTIL THAT CHANGES and people vote for the best law-enforcement from the beat-cop to the lowest/newest judge – this will keep up and SPREAD through out the country!!! It is the PEOPLE who vote and the integrity of the election system that have to make some changes within themselves…

    2. I agree. However his lawyer would claim mental deficit on behalf of the judge. Mental Deflicit is the automatic get out of jail CD card since you really can’t proof a deflicit. In many cases the people administering the test, suffer from a mental deficit themselves. Let’s face it. If you commit a crime just get a crazy lawyer an claim a mental deficit and your in. The only people getting prosecuted are the Republicans. Hell the rioter and looters are being giving a pass even when they have absolute proof. America is rapidly going down the tubes. God help or Gradchildren and their children

    3. In some Middle Eastern countries, they will lock up any judge or prosecutor who has a person released who then goes out and kills or seriously harms anyone. Unless the family of a dead victim forgives the killer or the people who released him, they are all put to death. In some places, Hammurabi law still applies.

      1. That doesn’t make that scenario correct either – there are honest mis-readings of personalities and what someone is likely to do…no one knows for sure – probably not even the perp…
        NO killer should be “let go” just because of a low bail or mental problems – until all is corrected…
        SOMETHING must change.

    1. Most of the local judges at the county level are VOTED into position and re=voted in again & again! IT’s the PEOPLE who just vote for a person they recognize the name or face…very FEW people look up to find out someone’s history or qualifications to be elected to an office…THAT is why we have so many stupid people in all sorts of positions where they don’t belong.

      1. And that is because the vast majority of people have no interaction with the judges. Unless the local media keeps track of all of the judges failures voters have nothing to go on.

  1. This is what we call insanity at it’s best. let some dirtbag, scum, muderer out, so he can kill some one else, what ever SOROS judge, that let him out, needs to be put away, in his place. Racist,pervert, slo,joe will give us more of these idiot judges.

  2. The democrat party is officially the new Socialist/Islamic party of the US of A. Just as Compagna Pelosi stated to us that “nothing is better than something for the democrat party”! FK WE THE PEOPLE! for the democrats!.

  3. Why is it that our judges release sociopathic killers to prey upon innocent people. The judges that keep letting this killer out of prison should be put in prison themselves. They are as guilty as the killer! These judges that let this killer out should be put in prison themselves for aiding and abetting this killer! The blasted judge should definitely be doing time also and disbarred from the bench immediately!!

  4. Maybe if we release these “victims” in the neighborhoods where these judges and liberal progressive politicians live, they may change their sentencing ways

  5. “The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.”
    Psalm 58:3
    It has become a merry go round for the wicked, the wicked commit crimes, the wicked in charge send them back out to commit crimes, etc., etc.

  6. Trump’s CONSTANT negative comments and acts have divided this Country and produced anger, fear, etc
    and contributed to far more unstable individuals than previous existed.

    Whereas previously there may have been a limited number widely scattered, there are now armed groups all over this Country that are likely going to cause ongoing shootings and other violence.

    I think that Biden’s plans to confiscate firearms will likely cause more shootings than if he downplayed the situation.

    Were Democrats able to eliminate firearms, I think that this Country would become like Russia under Stalin, Cambodia
    under Pol Pot, etc as people could not protect themselves from an abusive government. There is a LONG LIST of
    countries where this happened.

    1. Trump did not divide this country, he exposed the vile underbelly of what already existed, we were already unstable, they were attempting to destroy our constitution and create a socialistic America. Trump did not cause it he exposed it. The second Amendment to our Constitution gives us the right to bear arms and the socialists want to abolish that right and take our guns away. George Washington said that it is our duty as Americans to defend our right to bear arms and to defend our Constitution with those very same arms that we have the right to own. If the government goes bad we have arms to change the government, that is the ideology behind our second amendment right. For the very reason that John lists above, we don’t want to wind up with a socialist/communist government like Russia, Cambodia, North Korea and the only way that we can keep that from happening is to resist this socialist takeover, by force if necessary.

      1. I’m looking forward to the day this type of criminal unowingly kills a judge or criminal defense attorney or an off duty cop. That’ll mean something.

        1. Sorry these worthless scum have Killed many outstanding Off-duty police officiers. By the way killing a police officer whether on or off duty is absolutely wrong.

    2. John, if the government wants a civil war just try and take our Arms. The problem is the Democrats protect th criminals and go after good people. If you com outside to protect your home the Police are dispatched to your house to take your arms and lock you up. What a bunch of BS. Maybe we should bring a chair outside and clean our weapon with a box of ammo on the table.

  7. The basic problem of this country is corruption. Most people now can easily be bought: deep sate they call is the collective group of people who can be bought . It can be a journalist hence we have tons of fake news from main stream media; a judge who lets a proven criminal get off; a congressman ,who legislates with strings attached like Pelosi who would release funds only when it favors her party ; senator like Schumer who together with Pelosi and some other big names of the Democratic party concocts an investigation on a hoax case of a Trump collusion with Russia without regard for truth or the president of the USA. Trump has been noted to be the only one who can not be bought hence all these ills in government has been exposed. A recent Chinese professor from a Chinese university confessed in a video that exposes how China managed to fig the election in America even since the time of Bush, Clinton and Obama. It was not successful last 2016 with Trump as the challenger. Apparently, this 2020 election it may have succeeded but it is up to the people of the USA to counter this interference of the election. Only good people can stop this evil.

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